Perfectionistic behavior

Things or do them perfectly or is it better not! 

Perfectionism, fear of failure, exaggerated need the approval of others and lack of ability to handle frustration are among the main characteristics of those that in a strict and systematic manner, procrastinate indefinitely its tasks and the various situations in their lives.

Procrastination, that is, putting off in order to gain time or do not do what you should is a strategy to avoid something in order to manage anxiety.

At the basis of such attitude there can be the idea to start a task there must be present all the necessary conditions; everything, in short, has to be done perfectly, a small mistake would not be a flaw but an unforgivable mistake to be avoided. The avoidance implemented with procrastination leads to decrease anxiety, it "costs" to the "perfectionist" a loss of self-esteem, guilt, depression, and maintenance of the vicious cycle of perfectionism.

Continuing to "postpone", in fact, the person does not expose himself to disappointing but much less to success, increasing the feeling that being wrong would not mean to be "human" but "devilish." The strong presence of this attitude is the basis of Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and conduct disorder food.


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