About Us

The De Sanctis Clinical Centre (CCDS) is  a multi-specialized clinical center created in 2007 for the diagnosis and treatment of emotional disorders and behavior.

At the CCDS are treated disorders such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, insomnia, and more.

Moreover,  at the CCDS you can find professional help for the inconvenience that emerges from marital, family, or business conflicts, difficulties in managing the relationship with their children or for disorders resulting from traumatic experiences.

At the CCDS work over 35 professional figures including psychiatrists, psychologists, medical specialists in neurology, endocrinology, dietetics that operate since several years in the specialized area of expertise. The CCDS provides, in an integrated way the most effective treatments specific to each disorder treated.


The therapeutic offer  of CCDS is, in fact,  a complete range of services of the most modern and advanced performances that the field of psychiatry and modern psychotherapy has to offer.

The theoretical matrix of CCDS has a cognitive footprint: the historic core of the 10 founding members is almost entirely composed of students of Giovanni Liotti and Vittorio Guidano, founders of the Italian Cognitvism.

The Italian Cognitivism, over the years, has been articulated on different theoretical currents and members of the CCDS mainly represent the The Evolutionary Cognitive current. Within this theoretical model, studies always more and more in- depth on the relational matrix of disease, have led to the development of models of intervention on serious diseases characterized by more integrated intervantions within a common theoretical framework: the birth of the integrated therapies and the co-therapies, that become the opening engine of the cognitive therapists to all other professionalisms.

Presently the collaboration among psychopharmacologists, cognitive psychologists, family therapists, and researchers of the dissociation  and slumber, and many others, has become a common practice of the CCDS that combines harmoniously the several professional figures present in the office, through interventions aimed at the individual needs.

Therefore, we offer a cut to size psychotherapy on the customer and his needs, without ever losing the sight of the importance of his relational and his affections history.

So, a patient with a history of trauma may receive multi-oriented types of assistance from an individual psychotherapy to the extinction techniques of the symptom through EMDR therapy or the Sensomotory Therapy, or a patient with problems of identity and self-esteem may become part of one of our groups about assertiveness; or a patient affected by depression can access to a pharmacological support associated with the individual psychotherapy or even join a group of mindfullness.

Furthermore, our "Parenting Workshop" provides various types of intervention: individual, family, and even if needed, a  legal assistance in separation and divorce cases.


Per informazioni e appuntamenti tel. 06 97614021 (dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 14:00 alle 19:30) oppure email: info@centroclinicodesanctis.it


CENTRO CLINICO DE SANCTIS Sede Legale: Viale XXI Aprile 15, 00162 Roma | Sede operativa Via F. De Sanctis 9, 00195 Roma p.Iva 09322031007
Tel: 06.97614021 / 4986/5103 (dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 14:00 alle 19:30) | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy
Sito: www.centroclinicodesanctis.it | Email: info@centroclinicodesanctis.it sito joomla realizzato da Pensare Web

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