We intend the disposition of a person to act in a specific way against the other; behavior can be more or less stable and, depending on its elasticity or pervasiveness, can play a role in the adaptive functioning of the person as being indicative of a psychological distress.
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Last Updated on Monday, 07 October 2013 15:11
Hits: 19
Condescending behavior
The others come first in all circumstances
I have to sacrifice myself for others otherwise I will be responsible for their suffering
Perfectionistic behavior
Things or do them perfectly or is it better not!
Not Empathetic behavior
The others will have to arrange
The others must always satisfy me
Impulsive behavior
I just can’t control myself!
I did it again!
Suspicious behavior
I'm sure they will laugh at me
I cannot trust anyone, I am lonely.
It’s a conspiracy, they are all against me!
Aggressive behavior
When they make me angry I would smash everything, and nothing and nobody can stop me!
Passive behavior
I do not want to be controlled but on the other hand I want to be accepted and approved by others
If I say "no" I'm sure they will think I’m are a bad person
Seductive and manipulative behavior
It's terrible when I am not in the center of attention
If I want something from others, I've got to get it.
The trick is the best way to get things