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  • State of Mind Magazine Virtual psychiatry, psychology and current events.


For many years the Clinical Centre De Sanctis supports cooperation projects with donations of Karibuni non-profit organization and dissemination of their work. The non-profit organization and Karibuni 'formed by a group of volunteers committed to an idea, to contribute to the sustainable development of the communities' local African. To this end, promotes, supports and coordinates projects of education, distance education adoption, prevention of infectious diseases, health of mothers and children and small micro-credit projects for the development of a local economy.
For more information: info@misaada.it


  • APC/SPC Association of Cognitive Psychology and School of Cognitive Psychotherapy



  • SITCC Lazio Italian Society Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - section of Lazio
CENTRO CLINICO DE SANCTIS Sede Legale: Viale XXI Aprile 15, 00162 Roma | Sede operativa Via F. De Sanctis 9, 00195 Roma p.Iva 09322031007
Tel: 06.97614021 / 4986/5103 (dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 14:00 alle 19:30) | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy
Sito: www.centroclinicodesanctis.it | Email: info@centroclinicodesanctis.it sito joomla realizzato da Pensare Web

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