Relations with children

“I do not feel able to be a good parent, I look at other moms (or others dads) and they all seem more capable and organized than I am.”

The difficulties may be linked to mood disorders such as depression in the postpartum and other situations of mood disorder.

“I lose my patience too easily with my kids and i yell at them with such violence that then I feel terribly guilty

“I often afraid to do something that will harm my children”


Or they may be related to problems anxious difficult to control.

“I'm always worried about my children because I think they can get sick or get hurt or meet dangerous people”

Or they can be linked to personal problems such as eating disorders, personality disorders or other

“I'm too helpful with my children, for their sake I have lost all that I liked and I cared about before.”

“I find it difficult to reconcile the role of mother, wife and to my work. I'm afraid of ruining my life because I seem to do everything wrong”


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