
Nothing makes more sense now
I look to the future without hope
I can no longer take things forward as it once was

Want to cry, to feel knocked down, tired , lacking energy , feeling a sense of emptiness and worthlessness, have the desire to isolate himself by withdrawing into themselves are just a few of the most common manifestations of sadness.

The emotion of sadness stems from the awareness - more or less founded - that some of our goals have been compromised or lost. It may be the loss of a person due to death or the end of a love story, or having compromised the personal ambition, losing a job or passing an exam. The conditions that can cause sadness are endless but the sadness is substantially related to the loss of goals and objectives in one or more areas of our lives .

Like all emotions sadness also plays an important role in the life of each of us: if we never felt pain and sadness we would not know how to deal with the challenges we have and if you do not ever show sadness and pain it would be more difficult if not impossible to get help from other .

Sometimes , however, the normal physiological mechanism of sadness get to short circuit and it becomes overly persistent , heavy , deep , covering all of our emotional experience under his gray hood . The disorder most directly linked to these exaggerated expressions of sadness is without doubt the Depression even though we can say that the sadness is so closely related to psychological distress as to be virtually present in all its manifestations.


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