Progetto di validazione dell'RDI
Partecipano: Paola Castelli Gattinara
Last Updated on Monday, 07 October 2013 15:11
Hits: 1
EMDR e modificazioni a neurofisiologiche

In pazienti con sintomi di PTSD, l'uso del metodo EMDR viene correlato a modificazioni neurofisiologiche evidenziabili a livello della connessione fra i due emisferi cerebrali.
Partecipano: Paola Castelli Gattinara, Antnio Onofri, Benedetto Farina
Last Updated on Monday, 07 October 2013 15:11
Hits: 2
Depressione e nuove terapie farmacologiche

Last Updated on Monday, 07 October 2013 15:11
Hits: 139
EMDR, a sea of possibilities.
17/18/19 June 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands.
After two and a half years of thorough and continuous preparation by the Dutch Conference Committee, it was finally here: the European EMDR Conference in The Hague, The Netherlands! More than 1200 people from 48 countries, and from all continents, signed up for the pre-conference and conference that included 8 inspiring keynote presentations and preconference workshops. In addition, there was 75 other speakers on a wide variety of topics, as well as fifteen posters, that presented today’s most advanced researches and current clinical results in the EMDR field.