Treatment of depression and bipolar disorder

What is it
A service that is specialized in the study, evaluation and treatment of mood disorders, from the Depression to Bipolar Disorder.

For who is it intended?
For anyone who feels they have a distress caused by a disturbance of mood, whether it's depression, instability (as in Cyclothymic Disorder), or oscillations (typical of Bipolar Disorder).

But also for those who are concerned about a family member who develops a sad mood or overly elated, excited, irritable or "high."



CENTRO CLINICO DE SANCTIS Sede Legale: Viale XXI Aprile 15, 00162 Roma | Sede operativa Via F. De Sanctis 9, 00195 Roma p.Iva 09322031007
Tel: 06.9761 4021 / 4986/ (dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 14:00 alle 19:30) | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy
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