Doubts Obsessive Thoughts

" Think of all the negative events that may occur in the future allows me to do something to prevent them and where they occur, however, allows me to be prepared "

"I could throw myself out the window, I could hurt the people i love most with a knife, etc. ..... "

These are ideas, thoughts, images recurrent, persistent and distressing of which we recognize the unreasonableness and lack of sense.

These ideas come outside of the will and appear out of control even if they are recognized as thoughts that belong to us.

Sometimes they are associated with the fear that the absurd idea automatically translate into action even if there is an awareness that there is no desire to perform that action.

" I do not remember if I closed the gas or the door or the door of the car, I need to check "

"I'm not sure you have well washed my hands, of thoroughly cleaning the sink, etc. .. and I'm afraid I can bring irreparable damage to myself and the people I love "

We cannot remember if we have taken some actions. This doubt leads to repeated testing which, however, do not involve a reassurance.

We fear that some object brought into the house may have been contaminated while we were out, and can seriously damage the health of people or our family.

This leads us to throw away the object or at least to have the fear to touch him, but the doubt of being able to have damaged someone may persist for a long time.

This mode of thought is central to obsessive-compulsive disorder and severely limits the person who suffers from it and those who live next door.


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